Life’s Much Better Without Cold Sores

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Three Easy Steps to Enjoy a Life Without Cold Sores

STEP 1: Understand why you get cold sores.
STEP 2: Stop that from happening.
STEP 3: Enjoy your life without the pain and embarrassment of cold sores.

Step One

Understand why you get cold sores.

Our eBook explains everything in detail, but here’s the gist:


Cold sores are a symptom of the Herpes Symplex Virus Type 1 (“HSV-1”), a highly contageous “lifetime” virus, meaning once it’s in your body, it’s there forever.  So, if you get cold sores now, you’re going to get cold sores for the rest of your life (unless you follow the Solution / Step 2).



Carrying it’s viral DNA, the HSV-1 seeks to fuse with your cells and transfer its viral DNA into your cells.



The viral DNA hijacks your cell’s replication engine, replicating itself into more viral DNA.



Before long, your cell is overwhelmed and explodes, releasing the newly replicated HSV-1 viruses to fuse with and infect other cells. 

 This process repeats millions of times, resulting in a nasty cold sore that throws a wet blanket on all your social interactions for the next 12-14 days.


Step 2

Stop that from happening.

HSV-1 is highly resilient and opportunistic – that’s why your cold sores always pop up at the worst possible times.  HSV-1 has a weakness, however –  it can’t replicate on its own.  It needs help from your cells to cause cold sores. 

So, if you stop HSV-1 from replicating, you stop your cold sores. 

How do you do that? 

Enter your name and email here to receive our free eBook, and learn about the simple and affordable daily routine that Michael Molloy developed to stop his cold sores after 25 years of outbreaks.


Follow Michael’s routine, and you get to move to Step 3…


Step Three

Enjoy your life without the pain and embarrassment of cold sores.

Though it may sound too good to be true, Michael’s solution is real, and it will work for you.  Start enjoying your life without cold sores today.


From people who are enjoying Step 3

“I was pretty skeptical, but I have to say that the eBook explained a lot, and I’m following the advice.  So far so good!”

-Susan M., Dallas, TX

“My friend told me about this site, so I checked it out.  I emailed some questions, and they responded quickly and thoroughly, several emails back and forth.  They were so patient and helpful in their responses, and it was just so nice to be able to chat with someone so knowledgeable about cold sores.  I finally feel like I can actually do something about my cold sores.”

-Christie C., Brooklyn, NY

“I used to get the WORST cold sores. I just wanted to hide from everyone. If you get them, you know what I mean. But I followed Michael’s advice and I haven’t had one in a long time, probably about a year and a half.”

-Nicole D., Palm Desert, CA